Academic accomodation

Academic accommodation

For more than a decade, the Séminaire has welcomed and mentored students with learning or adaptation difficulties. All teachers, in collaboration with the orthopedagogues and the members of the management, work on the follow-up of the student intervention plan, its elaboration or its revision for one purpose: the success of all!

The Séminaire offers a unique, proven formula tailored to the specific needs of each student. In our school, students in difficulty acquire effective working methods and develop their autonomy. All teachers are qualified to work on the concepts of pedagogical differentiation. The quality of school and social supervision in which students in difficulty at the Séminaire evolve is conducive to increasing their esteem. You can count on a seasoned and equipped team that will make your child walk and guide him in his personal orientation project. The involvement of parents is essential in the provision of services of the Séminaire to students in difficulty. The school team is easy to reach and communicates effectively with parents who are involved in their child's success.

For the 2018-2019 school year, the Seminar opts again for the integration of students in difficulty into groups of secondary 1 to 5. Chaired by a team of teachers concerned about their development and evolution, students with learning difficulties, with or without diagnosis, can consolidate their skills and develop strategies that will follow them throughout their school curiculum. Periods of individual support, in a sub-group or class-group, by a teacher orthopedagogue are added to the attentive work of all teachers of students in difficulty. Personalized monitoring is carried out by the orthopedagogue teacher throughout the school year with parents.

Students with learning disabilities are supported with :

  • resource classroom;
  • dedicated resource teacher;
  • lunch-hour remediation;
  • additional time for tests and assignments;
  • quiet room for tests and assignments;
  • assistive technology (e.g., laptop, text-to-speech software, calculator);
  • recognition for hard work even when academic results are weak;
  • school culture which supports students with learning differences.

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What is the Séminaire ?
  1. Our

    Athletics, hockey, fishing and hunting, ski and snowboarding, cheerleading, horse riding, soccer, Pop-Jazz music

  2. Extracurricular activities

    Student government, theater, improvisation, talent show, volleyball, badminton, soccer, skatepark, etc.

  3. Our

    The school team of the Seminaire is stable and comes back each year with an excellent knowledge of the students

  4. Our